Goldring & AlphaBlock: new discretionary strategies

Goldring and AlphaBlock partnership

Goldring established a new partnership, this time with AlphaBlock Technologies, to offer clients investment strategies built on statistical models implemented by AlphaBlock. As a result of this collaboration, Goldring clients can take advantage of exposure to new stock indices. We are committed to continuous improvement and providing the highest quality services to clients who put their trust in us to be their partner in their investment journey. Therefore, we are always looking for new strategies, with exposure towards areas that investors might not go to or have enough time to study. Hence our collaboration with AlphaBlock, whereby we will offer Goldring investors access to new discretionary managed strategies.

Who are Alphablock?

AlphaBlock Technologies Inc, whose CEO is Mukul Pal, is a Toronto-based company on a mission to disrupt the investment management model by building market-beating machines. The company’s Pay for Alpha “open indexing” method has been calculated and validated by NASDAQ and received an MIT Fintech award for the innovative nature of the technology. AlphaBlock is funded by Real Ventures and is part of the MaRS innovation program. AlphaBlock plans to extend its current pay for alpha solutions to Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

What are discretionary strategies?

The discretionary managed account is Goldring’s latest product launch and is the perfect product for investors, or prospective investors, who have financial resources but lack either the time to manage the account or the knowledge of investing in financial instruments. In the case of a discretionary managed account, Goldring carries out the portfolio management operations based on a strategy, among those made available to it, which is established together with the investor – the account holder. In addition, the broker periodically informs the client of the status of the portfolio held.

About Goldring

Goldring is an Investment Firm present for 25 years on the Romanian capital market. We offer the possibility to invest in shares, bonds or derivatives on the Bucharest Stock Exchange and on the major international markets. We have also helped the development of the capital market by providing integrated advisory and assistance for companies in the following areas: capital market listings, corporate governance services, capital market operations (capital increases, public offerings, buyback etc.). Goldring’s activity has been recognized by awards such as the Innovation Award and the “Intermediary for entrepreneurial companies at the BSE”, offered by the Bucharest Stock Exchange.